The Adventure Begins...
As the sun rises, you depart Dunedin with the thrill of adventure as you set off on the Southern Scenic Route,
Destination: The Catlins
Destination: The Catlins
Nugget Point (27) Pass through Balclutha, the Northern Gateway, towards Roaring Bay and Nugget Point to see penguins, a 1,000 watt historic lighthouse and the famous "nuggets", standing up out of the water.
Roaring Bay (26) View the rare Yellow-Eyed Penguins come ashore at Roaring Bay as the sun is rising and when it is setting. Cannibal Bay (25) is a well known location for the most endangered Sealion in the world, Hooker Sealion. Sightings are common and is the site where fossilized human bones that had once been eaten by cannibals were found. Surat Bay (24) was named after the Immigration Ship "Surat", which was wrecked on New Years Day 1874, everyone on board survived. Tunnel Hill (22) Travel deep into the hills to uncover history. Excavated by hand from 1891-1892, it took 1,800 cubic meters of handmade bricks to complete the 245 meter Railway Tunnel. Remember to bring a flashlight. Owaka Learn about the history of the Catlins at the very informative Owaka Museum, check out local craft stores and Teapot Land. Jack's Blowhole (19) is a 144 metre long, 68 metre wide hole, situated 200 metres inland from the sea of Jack's Bay. A 60 minute return walk through farmland. Purakanui Falls (18) is the most iconic waterfall in the Catlins, but there is much debate that it's sister waterfall, the McLean Falls, are even more beautiful. A 9km drive and a 20 minute return walk. |